March 17 (1976, 1983, 1999, 2001, 2011)
Janet's Pool

“3/17/76    a moist air mass moved in and now, in the early-morning, the early light is scattered into a white haze to the east. there are also a few clouds. … woke this morning before dawn and watched the sunrise over and through the clouds along the sierra crest. today logan knox will bring his sawmill over to sungold and cut up a few small pine logs and a couple of middling cedar logs into lumber, lumber that i will use in building my cabin. the trees came from my dad's land; i cut them down in the process of clearing for his road over there. the cedar was a fairly large (> 3ft. diameter at base) one that had broken off about forty feet up, so rather than let it rot i cut it down for the lumber. we will cut it into one-by-twelves, i think.”

[Russell Towle's journal]

“3/17/83   Snowing. 'Tis only an inch deep, so I've plenty of time to make a run for it in the Toyota. […]

To Sacramento today, in search of solar energy? Or, the cabin, Shakespeare, Pericles of Tyre, Plutarch, naps, and cozy snow–gazing, a shower, soon. Oak for the stove: I cut firewood yesterday morning. The branches that broke last April are now dry and oh-so, all-too-burnable. Hot fire, short fire.”

[Russell Towle's journal]

March 17, 1999

… Today after [Janet and Greg] got home from school we went out to the New Pool below the Middle Spring and messed around with mud and rocks and the making of small dams. I set up a half-log of maple naturally hollowed into a kind of gutter so that water flows through the channel and drops four feet into “Janet’s Pool” (first pool below New Pool).”

[Russell Towle's journal]

March 17, 2001
Amazing, Tree-Climbing Wonder Dog of Moody Ridge!
Trainer: Janet Towle

"Janet's Pool", Ginseng Ravine, Moody Ridge, March 17, 2011. 

The sun came out, first time in days, highlighting the mossy rocks around the pool—
a lovely St. Patrick's Day scene.

Photo by Gay Wiseman

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