February 25 (1981, 2002, 2006, 2007)
Lovers’ Leap: in Snow, in Sun, and in History

2/25/81   Wednesday night. Fire roars, snow settles quietly. I am stiff and sore from an afternoon ski. A blizzard came up this morning, a gentle sort of blizzard, and it came to me that, rather than work, I should ski to Lovers’ Leap. So I set off, on the Spring Trail, through tangled deerbrush. Past the pond & stopped at Jim & Terry's. Oddly enough, they had the same thing in mind and were just snapping on their skis as I whooshed down the hill to their trailer. Out to the foggy brink we skied, threw snowballs a thousand feet, watched mists swirl, shivered in chill winds. Snap the skis on and go get warm: we ski down a steep road, I learn the ski-poles-between-the-legs method of slowing one's progress. Visit the Giant Oak. Whoosh down and down. A skid trail challenges us with slash tangles. The creek, another road, easy skiing on to Rick Gordon's then back. I ski the Split Road and stay on my feet; the cabin at long last, a hasty face stuffing party, and sleep. Awake in minutes to glorious spectacles of flaming clouds, snowy canyon unveiled, fog swept away, the deep blue yonder.”

[Russell Towle's journal]

Views from Lovers Leap, Moody Ridge
 February 25, 2002

Catherine O'Reilly taking in the view of the Pinnacles Ridge

Looking straight across to the Pinnacles Ridge from Lovers Leap

Late day illumination of the precipitous south canyon wall, Pinnacles Ridge at right.

Photos from a Visit to Canyon Creek and the HOUT
(High Old Upriver Trail)

 February 25, 2003
Who took these photos? Someone sent them to Russell. Thanks!
I'd like to credit you here, please get in touch.
Send me an email (left sidebar) or post a comment.

Russell Towle, at the top of the Leaper Fall, Canyon Creek
Russell Towle in the Narrows of the Canyon Creek Gorge
Russell Towle, gold panning

Giant Gap
[North Fork Trails blogpost, February 25, 2007:
http://northforktrails.blogspot.com/2007/10/giant-gap.html ]
I have posted a three-minute "Tour of Giant Gap" movie on YouTube, see:

By way of a sound track, I read an 1876 newspaper article about a visit to Lovers Leap.

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