March 24 (2000, 2002)
Bridging Canyon Creek

March 24, 2000

After a very stormy and wet six or eight weeks, the sun made a strong appearance about two weeks ago and I suddenly decided that at long last it was time to haul my chainsaw down into Canyon Creek and work on the main trail and its laterals. I began Tuesday before last, and have been in there every day but Sunday since. The saw eventually became too dull to use, and some work remains on the very lowest section of the trail, but I succeeded in opening the lateral to Bogus Point, from Waterfall View up to the ridge dividing Canyon Creek from the North Fork, and also, the trail into the Big Waterfall, and into the Terraces, and from the Terraces back to the main trail. So, job well done

Bob & Judy Suter contacted me out of the blue a couple of weeks ago, expressing interest in the Giant Gap Trail idea I had set forth in the DF Community newspaper a couple of years ago. They live out on Garrett Road in a really nice log home with stone floors. They have horses and like riding the diggings. So we’re trying to put together a group to advocate trail issues in the local area, and had a meeting last night at their house. I called around but only managed to get Jim Ricker to come. Since a hike down the Canyon Creek Trail to the river had been planned for this morning (it is 3:30 A.M. right now), and since some of the people I had hoped would come along would have had difficulty with the jump across the creek where the trail crosses, I decided, what the hey, why not go ahead and build a little bridge. So I built one yesterday, managing to obtain a donation of two twelve-foot two by sixes from John Krogsrud of Auburn, a trails enthusiast, and scrounging up enough odds and ends of scraps from around here to complete the thing. So now there is a bridge twelve feet long and eighteen inches wide across Canyon Creek.”

View from Moody Ridge
March 24, 2002

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