March 6 (1988, 2002, 2014, 2017)
Cumulus Bouncing Whitely Brightly Everywhere

Today is Sunday; it was to be the day when I would lead a PARC group out to Cherry Point, but [we] canceled, fearing the cloudy coldness of the earlier morning hours, but now, it is beautiful, we should have gone for it, billowing accumulations of cumulus bouncing light whitely brightly everywhere, a perfect day. So I rake up leaves near the cabin, burn them over oak stumps, and study Latin verb conjugations… ”

[Russell Towle's journal]

Rising Waters ~ March 6, 2002

~ N. Fk. American River, Winter Flow Comparison ~

Data and graphs from the USGS public access water flow data site for the North Fork:

Note the differences in the vertical scale between the two graphs. In 2014, the greatest flow during the weeks depicted was about 10,000 cubic feet per second, and the graph scale goes no higher than 20,000 cfs to depict this. In 2017, flows reached over 20,000 cfs repeatedly, with a peak flow of 45,000 cfs. The vertical axis is compressed to depict those highest flows. The yellow markers are the same on both graphs, illustrating the typical year. 2014 was mostly below that; 2017 was entirely, consistently flowing well above the mean during these weeks.

North Fork American River
Flow Measurements, Drought Year, 2014

January 1–March 6
Click to enlarge.

North Fork American River
Flow Measurements, Abundant Precipitation Year, 2017
January 1–March 6, 2017


1 comment:

  1. A couple of links to the current flows from the North Fork Dam:

    24 hours

    30 days
