March 13 (1981, 1986, 2002)
Skiing and Gold Panning

3/13/81   Foggy and raining, soft rain. Jim and Lora just left. […] we had a fine time skiing yesterday. Headed in towards the Cedars. A long way down the road. Cumulus grading into cumulonimbus nearly filled the sky. A few isolated snowflakes drifted down, the sun shining brightly in places around the upper north fork canyon. A cross-country route back, up thickly forested slopes, past magnificent sugar pines, jeffreys, incense cedar, red fir. Thunderstorms began, Hail hammered down, and we had a great time, though Jim was a bit out of shape. Lora took to skiing very quickly. A flock of Canada honkers drifted by, some two hundred of them, a soul-stirring sight. Rocketing explosions of thunder followed bright flashes. Then came the snow. Long Meadows to ski down. A visit to the Cheese Store [in Soda Springs]—surprise meeting with Kathy McLaughlin. Return, to sleep deeply.”

[Russell Towle's journal]

March, the 13th, 1986;   a coolish morning, some snow on the ground. Yesterday I went up to Sugar Bowl (it had snowed down here the night before) and telemarked, then visited Alex Henderson and went out prospecting with him. We found some fairly good stuff, considering we were just panning. We plan to go out again today, using my sluice box, where, I don't know. Right now the Toyota is stuck half-way up my driveway (again), but only an inch of snow is on the ground, and the sun bids fair to break out of the clouds before noon.”

[Russell Towle's journal]

8-fold Rock Cress Tiling
Photomontage by Russell Towle
March 13, 2002

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